Monday, July 18, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

This weekend was Vegas! I just LOVE road trips. Along with dressing up, it definitely makes it to my "Top 10 Favourite Things To Do Ever" list. We packed up and hit the road around 3:45pm, and amazingly made the 6 hour trip in 4 hours, thanks to Jenni's fast and furious driving! I love everything about road trips. I love having the car packed full of stuff. I love rolling the windows down and having the wind make your hair wild. I love singing at the top of my lungs. I love travelling through the countryside. I love travelling through time zones. I love stopping at gas stations. I love big gulps of soda. I love pit stops at cafes. I love following cars on the motorway and pretending that we know them. I love making road trip playlists. I love detours. I love bonding time. Yep, they are just the absolute best!

I was so lucky to have my friends Kelsie and Jenni come with me on this trip, and also lucky to see 2 of my friends from school back in England when we got there, Amy and Courtney. It was a pretty great weekend! The shopping was phenomenal, the food was delicious, the company was extraordinary! Trips are just the best!

Also, I should give a shout out to my big sister Leanne who turned 24 today! Happy Birthday!! 
I'm glad we're sisters!

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