Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Oh me, oh my, what a lot of funny things go by"

Again, apologies for being the world's most unreliable blogger. Really. As Jane Bennett said, "there always seem to be so many other things to do." Yes, I did just quote Pride and Prejudice. You know you loved it!

Anyway, where did I get to in my life. Ah yes, we left off at Christmas in England. Well, that's exactly where I want to start today. I originally had a flight to come back to England during the summer to support Team GB during the Olympics, well, and Team Baldock... I definitely come home for those crazies too! For financial reasons I decided to cancel the flight and move it to this coming Christmas. Yes, I was a little devastated about that for a day or so. Then about 2 months later my dad randomly found a very very cheap flight to London, so we snapped that up. I definitely felt like I needed to be back in England. Definitely started to miss marmite, chocolate, and little Tunbridge Wells. So I went home, and it was wonderful. As usual, my parents picked me up from the airport. This time, my dad (bless his heart) had a bunch of my favourite flowers for me with a note that said "Welcome back to 'Zion'"... love love love my dad! Mum even said it was his idea. Having so many girls in the house definitely did good things for his sensitivity levels!

So, the 2012 Olympics were in London. Before they began, the Olympic flame made its way across the UK, running through my little hometown. My mum and I had planned out the whole morning. The local schools let out all of the children to watch the flame run through the town, so there we were, waving our little British flags, standing with the school children, giggling with excitement. All of the kids around us were calling out and beckoning the runner to bring the torch over. So my mum nudges me, and says "go on, go on, bring the runner over, touch the torch!" So I did, and it was awesome! The torch was cool, but the runner, not so much... he was a middle-aged German man. Not quite sure what that was all about!

This year was a truly excellent year to be English. The Diamond Jubilee, the Olympics. I was so lucky to be home for some of it. All I can say is us Brits know how to put on a good show! The Opening Ceremony was a great indication of the games... the best of British... Mr. Bean, the Queen and James Bond, Harry Potter... say no more. Maybe I cried a little.

I know you're all wondering, so yes, the vibe in London was electric. Yes, it was amazing to be a part of it. Also, yes, there were attractive athletes walking around the city. One rainy London day I ventured into the city centre, and a group of tall Spanish athletes in Olympic tracksuits walked past me, big maps of the city out in front of them. In my mind I looked up, winked at them, and then spoke in dulcet tones, "¡Hola Señores!" But no, in real life, my umbrella was blown inside out, and I fumbled around trying to fix it muttering to myself, almost walking into them. Zero points for Siân-Amy 'breeziness'. 10 points for London breeziness!

Going home definitely put things into perspective for me. I got to spend a lot of time with my little sister Ell. She's kind of a cool kid. Also put me through my paces everyday in badminton. Loved that. Not. But really.

What else happened this summer... oh, my best friend got married to my other friend. They're all in love and stuff. So so so so happy for them. I definitely deserve a hi-5 for my match-making skills.

Oh, on a different note, I recently became a columnist for the Daily Herald. That was a good day! It's exactly what I was looking for, and it literally was handed to me on a plate. I basically didn't stop smiling all day when I found out!  I write about food from all over the world, and experiencing it here in Utah. So that's that. Just making my way in the journalist world.

Anywhoo... that's my life right now. It's pretty great!